Thursday, March 29, 2012

Cant telnet x.x.x.x 1433 on localhost

I used Microsoft SQL server 2000 on Microsoft Windows Server 2003 for database server and used Redhat Linux Enterprise for Web server.

I wrote the PHP script (on Redhat) connect to database server, its does not work. And then I install freetds on Web server but not work too.

I have problem not be solve...
- on Redhat, cannot telnet x.x.x.x 1433 to database server. But telnet to other port is success.
- on database server, cannot telnet x.x.x.x 1433 and telnet 1433.
- between web server and database server can used ping !
- I used command 'netstat -an' on database server is not show for 1433 port.

please help me... :eek:My first guess would be that you have NOT applied SQL 2000 service pack 3a or later to your SQL Server machine. Windows 2003 will not allow SQL Server to use TCP/IP unless it is protected from the Blaster worm.

-PatP|||thank you :)

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