Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Can''t see named sets in Excel 2007

Hi there,

I am not able to see the named sets in the PivotTable Field List in Excel 2007. I created e.g. the simple named set

AS [CUSTOMER].[COUNTRY].&[Austria] ;

Then I changed the display folder to 'Special Countries' in the mask 'Calculation properties' without selecting an 'Associated Measure Group'. After building the cube I can even see that display folder in the left-side tree of the 'Browse' window.
But after connecting to the cube with Excel 2007 the named set is not available for selection.

It seems that I am missing an important point.

Best wishes from Austria,


I'm using Excel 2007 against the Adventure Works DW database and the Adventure Works cube. In the Account dimension, I see the [Summary P&L] named set. It has a Display folder of Sets and an Associated Measure Group of Financial Reporting.

You may want to compare what you have to what is in Adventure Works.


|||Hi Bryan,

it took some time to install the Adventure Works Cube (actually I have completely reinstalled my pc), sorry for the late reply.
But even with your example I am unable to find the named set in the PivotTable Field List in Excel 2007. There is simply no folder 'Sets' containing the named set [Summary P&L].
I do see the [Summary P&L] in the cube (in the specified folder) and it is well defined under the mask 'Calculation properties', but in Excel 2007 it is not listed.

Kind regards,


I can see [Summary P&L] under the Account dimension. I use the enterprise edition version of the Adventure Works cube project. Make sure that you see the whole cube and not only a perspective("Show related fields to" at the top of the dimension tool)


Thomas Ivarsson

Hi Thomas,

thank you for your reply.
I am using the Aventure Works cube project entreprise edition as well.In Excel 2007 the dropdown list 'Show fields related to' is set to the property 'All', so I think that I am not restricted to a perspective.
I can browse the cube in the SQL Server Management Studio(as well as in the BI Development Studio) and see the named sets as defined, but with Excel 2007 the named sets are not listed (neither the [Summary P&L] under the Account dimension nor the folder 'Sets' with 'Core Product Group', 'Long Lead Products',.... under the Product dimension).
By the way, I have Excel 2007 (12.0.6024.5000) MSO(12.0.6017.5000). Maybe I have a different version of Excel 2007?

Kind regards,

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