Thursday, March 22, 2012

Can't Select Data Mining Technique....


I'm working through the DM tutorials and I can't select a data mining technique when creating a new mining structure in BI Studio - BI Studio locks up totally. Have installed SQL Svr 20005 SP1 and components from feature pack. Analysis Server service is running, have set the properties in the DM project properties to the running instance of Analysis Services. Have read the various posts on the forum and have double checked my configuration - all seems as it should be.

All suggestions appreciated - very much looking forward to working with the technology.

Michael (

We have Zone Alarm Pro installed on all our development boxes. When ZAP is shut down, the problem goes away. ZAP allows you to set access permissions on a machine for exe and dll files. As there are hundreds of interdependencies within the SQL Server system and the .NET Framework, I'm not sure exactly where the access issue is.

I'd be grateful for any suggestions, and I will follow up with Zone Labs.

Michael (


Hi Michael,

As far as I know, the firewalls track Internet access per process; my recommendation is to grant permission to the following EXEs: devenv.exe, sqlwb.exe and msmdsrv.exe.

On the server computer, for de default instance, you need to open TCP port 2383, unless you have customized that. If you have multiple instances, please take a look at a file named “msmdredir.ini” (most of the time under c:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\90\Shared\ASConfig) – the section “Instances” enumerates what port is assigned to each instance. However, keep in mind that those assignments are random and may change if the service restarts.

Hope this helps,


Raymond [MSFT]

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