Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Can't Process cube created with ASCMD - XMLA script -


I have an XMLA-script that I use for creating my cube. Creating the cube with the tool - ascmd - is not an issue but when I try to process the cube, I get the following message:
OLE DB error: OLE DB or ODBC error: Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITY\ANONYMOUS LOGON'.; 28000.

Strange because when I open the management studio -> look at my data source, all the correct information is there (server, user name, etc.), except for the password field in impersonation account editor, which is blanco.

The only way to process my AS DB is to open the data source editor and retype my password in the impersonation account editor. Once I've done that, I can process.

But as I want to automate the cube processing, I have a problem...



Here's the solution:


I just had to add the password tag in my xmla-script...

This seems to be a bug, because while I was creating the cube in VS, I've set the option 'Remove passwords' in project properties to false.

Now the only thing that really bothers me is the fact that I have to put passwords in a script file (available to anyone). Anyone has an idea?


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