Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Can't register SQL-DMO

Hi, this is an old issue and i've searched for days. I have a vb6 app thats
worked for years on a NT4/SQL7 server using the SQL7 client. We are finally
moving out of mixed mode and upgraded the server to NT2003/SQL 2000.
I upgraded and re-compiled the vb program and installed it on the users PC,
along with the sql2000 client. I would get an error connecting to the sql
2000 server. [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Drver][SQL Server]You must upgrade
your SQL Enterprise Manager and SQL-DMO(SQL OLE) to SQL 2000 (SQLDMO) to
connect to this server. Error Code -2147220990
After much research I found that I needed to install/register the SQL-DMO
and found a article (326613) from Microsoft on how to create a distribution
I followed the instructions and the sql-dmo package worked fine, ON some
machines (XP), but I've found that many NT2000 PC's it simply won't install
and register on. It will come back with a HResult -2147024770 failed to
register sqldmo.dll
I've got all the files in the right place, with the .rll files where they
need to be. I can't even manually register the sqldmo.dll file on these
PC's.. The really strange part is if I install the full sql2000 server onto
the PC then the program runs fine. BUT, as soon as I uninstall the server
portion it fails again. I've tried installing both the SQL-2000 client and
client tools but nothing works short of a full SQL server install, Which is
not an option!
The PC's in question are all Compaq/HP EVO's running NT2000, standard fair
stuff, nothing strange on the desktop. All have the lastest updates, patches
and hotfixes.
I know this is an old issue, But does anybody have a clue? I'd hate to
tell my boss that those folks can't run the program unless they upgrade there
Im not sure if my dev system has service pack 4 or not, I'll have to check.
As far as being compiled with the newest MSVc++ runtime linked
lib,"msvcr71.dll I am using .net 2002 so I guess not. Strange that the
microsoft article (326613) says nothing about this. as far as the rest of
your statement all those files are included and in their correct directory
structure, Per the article I used to create the distribution package.
"Andrea Montanari" wrote:

> hi,
> jcw wrote:
> what files are you "redistributing" in order to install SQL-DMO 2000?
> In my experience, I never failed providing
> ;SQL Server service pack 4 SQL-DMO object has been compiled with the newest
> Microsoft Visual C++ runtime linked library, msvcr71.dll that must be
> redistributed as well;
> ...\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\msvcr71.dll DestDir: WinSys ; sharedfile
> ; not licensed by redist.txt but available after installation of MDAC2.6
> ...\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\odbcbcp.dll; DestDir: WinSys ; sharedfile
> ; not licensed by redist.txt but available after installation of MDAC2.6
> ...\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\sqlwoa.dll ; DestDir: WinSys
> ; not licensed by redist.txt but available after installation of MDAC2.6
> ...\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\sqlwid.dll ; DestDir: WinSys
> ...\Programmi\Microsoft SQL Server\80\Tools\Binn\w95scm.dll; DestDir:
> DestinationFolder\Binn
> ...\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\sqlunirl.dll ; DestDir: WinSys
> ...\Programmi\Microsoft SQL Server\80\Tools\Binn\sqlresld.dll; DestDir:
> DestinationFolder\Binn
> ...\Programmi\Microsoft SQL Server\80\Tools\Binn\sqlsvc.dll; DestDir:
> DestinationFolder\Binn
> ; not licensed by redist.txt but available after installation of MDAC2.6
> ...\Programmi\Microsoft SQL Server\80\Tools\Binn\Resources\1033\sqlsvc.RLL;
> DestDir: DestinationFolder\Binn\Resources\1033
> ; not licensed by redist.txt but available after installation of MDAC2.6
> ...\Programmi\Microsoft SQL Server\80\Tools\Binn\Resources\1033\Sqldmo.rll;
> DestDir: DestinationFolder\Binn\Resources\1033
> ...\Programmi\Microsoft SQL Server\80\Tools\Binn\sqldmo.dll; DestDir:
> DestinationFolder\Binn ; file to be registered via regserver
> DestinationFolder can either be the installation directory of one instance
> of Microsoft SQLServer 2000, like ..\Program Files\Microsoft SQL
> Server\80\Tools, even if no istance of SQL Server has been installed, or the
> installation directory of your application, but the first one is preferred.
> Please do respect the hierarchy \Binn\Resources\1033 (where 1033 specifies
> the language), where needed, in order to grant correct functionality of
> Ole-Automation objects.
> In order to install SQL-DMO components for MSDE 2000, Microsoft Internet
> Explorer 5.5 or higher is required.
> --
> Andrea Montanari (Microsoft MVP - SQL Server)
> DbaMgr2k ver 0.20.0 - DbaMgr ver 0.64.0 and further SQL Tools
> -- remove DMO to reply
|||checked and I did install the SP4.

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