Thursday, March 8, 2012

Can't remove SQLServer Beta2

I want to remove e SQLServer Beta2 from my machine, butI remove
DotFrameWork 2.0 beta first.
When I remove SQLServer 2005 Beta2, the system told me I must install
DotFrameWork 2.0 first.
How can I remove SQLServer 2005 Beta2 after I have removed DotFrameWork 2.0
beta?Try if any of the following work, I tried this exactly and it worked.
3.6.1 Uninstalling SQL Server 2005 Beta 2
You can uninstall SQL Server 2005 Beta 2 by using Add or Remove Programs in
Control Panel or via the command prompt. The same procedures can be used to
uninstall SQL Server 2005 Technical Preview and SQL Server 2005 Beta 2 IDW4.
To uninstall SQL Server 2005 Beta 2 using Add or Remove Programs
1.. In Add or Remove Programs, remove Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Beta 2
components. Each SQL Server component will be listed individually, and must
be selected and removed in turn.
2.. In Add or Remove Programs, remove Microsoft SQL Server Setup Support
files (required only for IDW4).
3.. In Add or Remove Programs, remove Microsoft SQL Native Client.
4.. In Add or Remove Programs, remove Microsoft SQL Server .NET Framework
Note Removing .NET Framework 1.2 or 2.0 will affect existing Visual
Studio installations, as Visual Studio depends on it. If you have Visual
Studio installed, do not uninstall the .NET Framework.
To uninstall SQL Server 2005 Beta 2 via the command prompt
1.. Insert the SQL Server 2005 Beta 2 CD into the CD drive.
2.. To remove all SQL Server 2005 components, from the command prompt,
Start /wait <CD Drive>\setup.exe /qb REMOVE=ALL
INSTANCENAME=<InstanceName>For the default instance, specify "MSSQLSERVER"
for InstanceName.
Note Specifying REMOVE=ALL to remove the instance components also removes
all shared components (SQL Server tools, Data Transformation Services, and
Notification Services).
3.. To remove Microsoft SQL Native Client, type
Start /wait msiexec /qb /X <CD Drive>\Setup\sqlncli.msi4.. To remove
Microsoft .NET Framework, type
Start /wait <CD Drive>\redist\2.0\dotnetfx.exe /q:a /c:"install /qu"
Note Removing .NET Framework 1.2 or 2.0 will affect existing Visual
Studio installations, as Visual Studio depends on the .NET Framework. If you
have Visual Studio installed, do not uninstall the .NET Framework.
"ad" <> wrote in message
I want to remove e SQLServer Beta2 from my machine, butI remove
DotFrameWork 2.0 beta first.
When I remove SQLServer 2005 Beta2, the system told me I must install
DotFrameWork 2.0 first.
How can I remove SQLServer 2005 Beta2 after I have removed DotFrameWork 2.0

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