Sunday, February 19, 2012

cant login my database


this is the connection string i am using

'Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS;INITIAL CATALOG=;AttachDbFilename='|DataDirectory|\HotStage.mdf';Integrated Security=True;User Instance=True '

it works all right when working in debug mode, but after i deploy it to my XP's IIS, i can't login my database, the error message is

'Can not open user default database. Login failed. Login failed for user xxx\ASPNET' 'xxx' is my computer name

i am the Admin. of my computer.

could anybody help ? thx!!!

When running in debug mode, I'd guess that you're using the VS development web server, which runs under your user credentials. Consequently, because you're an admin it is allowed to access SQL Server.

When hosting it in IIS, the worker process is running under the ASPNET user account, and this will not be allowed to access SQL Server by default. Therefore, using SQL Server Management Studio, create a login for the ASPNET account on the SQL Server and then grant it access to the appropriate databases.



of course my SQL Server has ASPNET account, and it has the permission to 'connect sql' and 'create any database', but i still connect to my SQL.

i read some posts somewhere else, and they said i should remove the 'User Instance=True' clause, and i did connected to my SQL, but now i have another says my database is read-only

there are two functions on my page, both of which will update the database, but one works all right, the other does not...



Could you give us a further explaination on your issue. Do you mean that you remove the 'User Instance=True' clause and connect to your SQLServer succesfully, then fail to use one of your function to update your database while another update function works well? If so ,I think the problem should not caused by the database. Could you give us your code?




the code is a little bit long, and i really don't know what caused this problem, so i do not know which part got wrong. and i don't think you want to read all my code.

but i can do some further explain, when i remove the 'User Instance=True', and use the 'AttachDB' clause, the database connected dynamically, but in SQL Management Studio, i see a 'Read-Only' label after my database, and my database is displayed in gray.

so would you tell me why my database is connected as read-only? and how can i solve this problem?



You need Read/Write permission on both MDF and LDF in order to editing data. If you're using IIS 6.0, you need to add Network Process account and give Read/Write permission to these two files. You also need to detach the database before changing the permissions on the file.

You can do this using SSEUtil.exe tool:




all solved, thanks man!

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