Friday, February 24, 2012

can't modify table in SMS...timeout expired?

Hi: I'm trying to add a field to a table by modifying it in Management
Studio. I'm running SQLSMS locally on the server.
When I try to save the table I get an error
"Post-Save Notifications...
[table name]
- Unable to modify table.
Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the
operation or the server is not responding."
The table currently has 5454 rows in it.
geek-y-guy ( writes:
> Hi: I'm trying to add a field to a table by modifying it in Management
> Studio. I'm running SQLSMS locally on the server.
That is a very dangerous function, which has serious bugs and shortcomings.
I strongly recommend to use ALTER TABLE statements to change your tables.
Or, at the very least, never, I say NEVER, save directly to implement
a change, but always generate a script and perform these modifications:
o Remove all BEGIN and COMMIT TRANSACTION except for the first and last.
o Wrap all batches in IF @.@.trancount > 0 BEGIN ... END
And be very careful to check that the script only include the
changes you want to make. There are bugs that can cause discarded
changes to be includd.

> When I try to save the table I get an error
> "Post-Save Notifications...
> [table name]
> - Unable to modify table.
> Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the
> operation or the server is not responding."
> The table currently has 5454 rows in it.
Under Tools->Options there is a timeout for the Designers you can
change, if you insist on using that function. But if you run the script
from a query window,the timeout is not an issue.
Erland Sommarskog, SQL Server MVP,
Books Online for SQL Server 2005 at
Books Online for SQL Server 2000 at

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