Saturday, February 25, 2012

Can't precompile script


with a script task I get an error "This task is configured to pre-compile the script but the binary code is not found. Please visit the IDE in Script Task editor by clicking Desing Script button to cause binary code to be generated".

Well, if I do so the error doesn't disappear. The only chance I have is to switch of precopilation, which is quite a performance issue...

I have no idea where this error is comming from... The script is quite easy, just some string and file operations (find out file change date using

Any idea?

I can only think that there is an error in compilation because this should of course work!


|||...any idea where to look? If I switch of precompile everything works, so there shouldn't be any error in the script...|||


Sorry Thomas, can't help you there!

|||This is an old one, but I just had the same problem and just noticed that my script had a syntax error. Once I fixed the syntax error, the problem was resolved.|||im facing the same problem....for the first time....simply cant keep precompile option to true as binary code is not getting generated....the issue is my env may change to 64 bit....evn keepin the option precompile false wont help then( which is workin fine now)
...just as im writin this....was this a issue bfr SP1... i havent checked if i have run it in new installation...
will check n post back if success....
ne suggestions welcome in the meanwhile...|||This is just wrong - when I set property precompile = false for the Script Task everything works fine.

SSIS works in odd ways sometimes (or perhaps it is just me)

Actually I now noticed that whatever package's script i open up - they dont compile anymore - I wonder what causes all of a sudden all the scripts on my workstation not to compile?|||as i guessed...SP1 solves this problem...worked for me... i had a new local server installation n missed out on the service install SP1 and 2 and ur done.....but ya ull have to then change all precompilei otions to true and open n close the script once to get the binary code........

sorry for the delay in reply!!

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