Friday, February 24, 2012

cant login to SQL Server anymore

Hi guys-
I can't seem to be able to login into SQL Server anymore ever since I c hanged my password for my Win 2k login. the authentication mode (i checked in the properties section ) is set to SQL Server authentication, but i know originally i set it up as Win 2k authentication, and then changed that to SQL Server authentication...the local server (its set up on my machine) will not start up any more, and I am clueless as to how to fix it. I've tried to login using my other ids ( that i've created) but i don't think those id's had sa rights, so it won't let me.

Please help!Hi Indigo4267,
Try the checking the following:
1). Using the 'Client Network Utility' in the MS Menu, click on the
'Alias' tab.

2). If you don't see your DB server in this list, add it as a Named Pipes

You should be able to logon direct now, since the DB is on your
local workstation.

3). Check to see what domain/user privileges you have as a user in
the domain that is running the MSSqlServer process. You may not
be able to 'see' the domain running the server.

Good luck!|||thanks for the advice. i'm really new to this db admin stuff (and sql server in general) so i only understood part 1 of what you wrote, and i followed your steps, but it still doesn't work...<sigh>

i guess the real underlying problem is "is there a way to change your win 2k password (if you are the db admin) and still be able to login into sql server (if its set up on your machine) regardless of what authentication mode is set up?" even when i switched to win authentication from sql authentication/mixed mode authentication it still failed!

:( i always get weird problems like this in everything i touch :(|||I actually managed to solve this problem...i think my SQL Server was set to mixed mode which is why i was having problems with my new win2k password--

here's how i did it (for others who are facing teh same problem)
in win2k-
-go to the control panel
-click on administrative tools
-click on services
-right click on MSSQLServer and choose properties
-click on logon tab
-enter and confirm new password
-restart SQL Server

its actually in the help section (for SQL Server 2k) under the heading "Changing Passwords and User Accounts" and there also is info there for win 4.0 NT.

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