Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Can't Install SP2

I'm trying to install SP2 (on XP SP2) and for some reason I'm getting an error on the authentication dialog.

The error is: "Your account information could not be verified. Press Ok to return to Authentication Mode screen to determine the reason for failure." For setup to verify your credentials the services must be startable, connectable and you must be a SQL Server administrator." In the dialog under status the value reads "Login Failed: ".

I've tried integrated security (I'm a local admin on this machine) and the sa account but no luck either way. I've tried starting every service that starts with "SQL" and still no luck.

Thoughts or ideas?


Have you been able to solve this. I'm running into the same problem.


|||Yes, I changed my reg key for the default location of Program Files and that was my issue.

The installer must not have been looking at the current location for SQL but assuming it was under ProgramFilesDir.


If you are using Backup Exec to back up your databases, you need to add permissions to any files with "$4dir" at the end that reside in your DATA folder.

You can then install SP2 normally. This problem cropped up with SP1 as well and it took me days to figure this one out.

|||How did you can the reg key for the defauly location of program files?

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