Thursday, February 16, 2012

Cant install SQL Server 2005 on vista..

Ok ive tried looking everywhere for a solution but i just cant find one... please help me

I need to install SQL Server 2005 on Vista, but i have issues.

I have installed IIS and its checked in the pre-installation checklist, and the only thing with an exclamation point is the OS which is to be expected.

The issue im having is that when i get to the screen to select the features/components i want to install, they are all disabled apart from "Workstation components, Books online etc..."

Where am i going wrong with this.. I know i need the services pack to install reporting services, but i cant install anything at this point.

A walkthrough or something would really help...

P.S Im running on Vista Ultimate and trying to install SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition


Robert Macnair

Perhaps this will shed some light on the problem.

VISTA –Installing SQL Server 2005


which edition of Vista u have ? I think the problem is with the edition of Vista.. it looks like SQL SErver 2005 EE is not supported...


|||and there was me thinking Ultimate edition would be just that... ultimate . apparently not. Maybe it requires business edition..|||

SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition can be only installed on a *server* sku (edition) of Windows. All editions of Vista (yes, Ultimate Edition included) are Windows *clients*, therefore it doesn't allow you to install. To see the system requirements for various SQL Server 2005 editions, please refer to

Note the workstation components of SQL Server 2005 are exceptions to the above rule, and can be installed on client Windows. That's why that checkbox is not grayed out in the image you attached.


This is strange, but when I installed SQL Server 2005 (not sure which edition, it came with my Professional-Level MSDN Subscription) on my Windows Vista Ultimate Edition OS, I DID have access to all the options on the installation screen, and they installed. I still have to install SP2, but I did install SP1 (once I turned off almost all my services, especially my Anti-Virus).

But I did notice that I don't have access to the Management Studio (SQL2005's version of SQL2000's Enterprise Manager). I can't find the link for it in my Start->Programs section. I still have to do some searching to see if I can find the executable or console plugin in the SQL Server 2005 installation directory, but I did have the ability to install the entire application on Vista.

If this is not supposed to happen, then this sounds like a bug in either the SQL Server 2005 installer or Windows Vista.

Anyway, just thought I would share my experience with you. I will try to keep you posted if I learn anything new or if I can't get SQL 2005 to work on my Vista.


I am experiencing similar problems. I have Vista Ultimate and I was able to install Visual Studio 2005 professional with its service packs just fine, but I am unable to install SQL Server 2005. Not all, but most of the checkboxes are disabled. I thought the service packs would correct this, but no.

The reason I bought the professional edition of Visual Studio is because I needed SQL Server to do database programming and reporting services. The whole package is useless to me unless I can get SQL Server working.

|||Please see my earlier post - most likely you have SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition, which is not supported on Vista.|||

It maybe that SQL express was installed befor you started

Try installing from cmd prompt eg d:\setup SKUUPDATE=1

|||yup that was it. i downloaded sql server developer edition and all's well. cheers for the replies |||Using the Developer edition helped me as well....I was also stumped with the Enterprise Edition. Thanks Smile|||I'm having that exact same issue! so I just need to install SQL dev edition? I'm trying to install enterprise...|||yeah that should work mate.

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