Thursday, February 16, 2012

Can't install SSIS on an XP machine

Hi all,

Why would I not be able to install SSIS on an XP machine? The option is grayed out. As a matter of fact, all the options are grayed out, save for the client tools.

I'm using the September CTP.

Thanks in advance,
Anthony Rizzo, MCSE, MCDBAWhat SKU or Edition are you attempting to install?
Which options are grayed out?
Was SSIS already installed on this machine?|||It's SQL 2005 September CTP. I don't know the SKU or edition. It's build 9.00.1314.

Every single installation option is grayed out except the last option, which is Client Tools.

SSIS has never been installed on this machine before.

Anthony|||Sept CTP came on 2 disks. The second disk only had client tools on it. Is it possible that's what you have?

-Jamie|||I don't have media for the CTP. I downloaded the files from the CTP website. My users are attempting to install SQL via a share.|||The Enterprise Edition of SQL Server 2005 requires "Server" edition of OS (Windows 2000 or 2003 Server) for SQL/AS/RS/IS, and only allows to install Workstation Components on XP. All other editions fully support XP. I suggest downloading Developer edition if you need it on XP machine.|||Thanks! I'll download Developer today and see if that helps.

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