Sunday, February 19, 2012

Cant Load Into Numeric Fields


This may seem like a simple question to be asking but Im not the most experienced working with DTS loads and can't understand (don't know) why my load is failing.

I am trying to load in a text file comma separated into a table I have created.

It consists of only 5 entries

01 - varchar (20)
02 - smalldatetime
03 - smalldatetime
04 - numeric Scale (1)
05 - numeric Scale (1)

Here are the first two lines from my file,


As far as I can se it should be working but it gives me the error:

The number of failing rows exceeds the maximum specified.
TransformCopy 'DTSTransformation_4'conversion error: General conversion failure on column pair (source column 'Col004(DBTYPE_STR), destination column 'Result1' (DBTYPE_NUMERIC)).


Can't figure out whats going on so any ideas would be useful.

Cheers.Well the second row is missing a comma between the dates

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