Thursday, February 16, 2012

Can't install SQL Server Express

Hi all,

I've been trying all day to install SQL Server Express edition on my development machine, I 've uninstalled other Express Editions that I have previously installed, at least none show in add/remove programs. When i try to run the setup program i get the message that i have incompatible programs still installed. I don't know what they would be. None are listed in the program list as I have said. I tried to run the uninstallbeta program on the SQL Server Express page, but I keep getting an error that the "framedyn.dll" cannot be found, reinstalling the application may help! lol !

Any idea's ?

Thanks in advance.

I would make sure that the OS is upto date first, then install the .net framework 2.0 from the update site... after that install the sql native client from the ms download site... if this all works then try the database engine install.



Removing and reinstalling some programs appears to leave behind a number of redundant entries in the registry at times, particularly with Beta versions.

I had similar problems where I followed all the procedures, had no references in the Add/Remove programs list, but still was unable to install a later version because of previous versions still installed.

The solution for me was when I found out about a utility download which did in fact remove those entries. Its called MS Window Install Clean Up Utility and can be downloaded from;en-us;290301.

Hope this is helpful



You can also check out my last post in, which details a more manual process for removing left behind products.

One warning about the Windows Installer Cleanup Utility - This does not uninstall products from your computer, it simply removes the registry keys that make products appear in the Add Remove Programs list. You should only use this tool if you're are absolutly sure that the products listed in ARP are really gone but the registry is in error.

Hint: If your setup log indicates that an earlier version is there, it really is there and the cleanup utility will not help you.


Mike Wachal
SQL Express team

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