Sunday, February 12, 2012

Cant insert Decimal from textbox

Hi guys.

Hopefully someone can help me, im pulling out my hair over this!

Im trying to insert a price into my MSSQL database.

The Column type is decimal.

If i use the following simple script

<%@. Page Language="VB" Debug="true" %>
<%@. Import Namespace="System.Data" %>
<%@. Import Namespace="System.Data.SqlClient" %>
<script language="VB" runat="server">
Sub Submit_Click(Sender As Object, E As EventArgs)
Dim sqlCmd AS SQLCommand
Dim sqlConn as SQLConnection = New SqlConnection("************;")
Dim mySQL as String = "Insert Into Products (Delivery, Price) Values (" & Dvalue.Text & ", " & Pvalue.Text & ")"
sqlCmd = New SQLCommand(mySQL,sqlConn)
End Sub
<form action="" runat="server">
Delivery - <asp:TextBox ID="Dvalue" runat="server" /><br>
Price - <asp:TextBox ID="Pvalue" runat="server" /><br>
<Asp:Button id="Submit" runat="server" text="Insert" onclick="Submit_Click" />
And add in the values as
Delivery - 12.9999
Price - 56.777

The resulting numbers on the database are
Delivery - 13
Price - 57

Im using 1and1 to host my sql database and using their own SQL admin tool to configure it.

The price column has the following options

Name - Price
Type - Decimal
size(if char) - 19 ( i cant seem to change this)
default value - <blank> (I cant seem to change this)

No other options are ticked (as in nullable, indexed, unique key, primary key, identity)

Is there some setting or something ive missed/ dont know about? (ive only really used access and mysql in the past)

I would really appreciate any helpFirst, I woulduse parameters.

Next, run SQL Profiler and look at what you are actually sending to the database.|||Thanks for the quick reply :)

I cant use SQL Profiler as its a shared account over at
(I cant seem to even run proper SQL statements that alter tables etc)

The script im trying to fix uses a dataset and the update command, but has the exact same problem as the little example of my woe script i posted here.

Im trying to figure out if its me whos to blame, or some setting on the SQL database i need to annoy them to fix.|||What is the scale set to on your table? Precision will likely be 18, but the default scale is 0, and so you will loose anything to the right of the decimal.|||Im going to call them now. Their administration thingy isnt exactly great.

Thanks for your help|||Suffice to say they dont know whats wrong and ive been put on the mighty waiting list.
They suspect it might to be with the server being German and using , instead of . for the decimal.

So i tried both using their control panel by entering in the SQL for it

Insert Into Products (Price, RRP, Delivery) values ('12.99', '12.99', '22.22')
Which rounded it up again.

There isnt any way i can change the precision from what i can see, so ive had to nag them.

Thanks again for your help.|||I would try to create a table like so (using SQL Script):

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[DecimalTestTable] (
[ID] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,
[DecimalTest] [decimal](18, 5) NULL

Now, if you can insert properly into this table (up to 5 decimal places) then that is your issue.|||I just ran the SQL statement on it

Insert Into DecimalTestTable (DecimalTest) Values ('12.99999')

And Sucess!


However, when i try it using their "add new row" it comes up as 129999!

No wonder im confused...

Suffice to say im going to throw their admin tool in the bin and recreate all my tables (nothing much important on them at this stage)

Thanks again, you saved my hairline!

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