Sunday, February 19, 2012

Can't log in to reporting services in my browser

I've installed the Developer's edition of SQL05 on my PC at home. I am able to open the reporting services via the Manager Studio and Windows login under my username and password, however I cannot open it in my browser when I enter the

http://computername/reports address. I get a login dialog and enter "computername/myloginID" for the user and my local login password. It will not accept the login and reprompt until I exceed 3 tries.

I also tried logging in with the PC's admin id and password as well as the sa account name and password.

Any ideas on what I missed in the setup or security?

Thanks for any assistance anyone can provide



Did you installed a named SQL Server named instance? If so, you need to add the name of your instance to the url.

Are you using a proxy server?



Geert Verhoeven
Consultant @. Ausy Belgium

My Personal Blog


Thank you for responding. The answer to both of your questions is no, I used the defaults through the entire install process. The service is running locally on my pc.

I've tried to log in via http://localhost/reports as well as http://<pcname>/reports. In both instances a dialog box with "Connect to <pcname>" with two fields one for my user name and one for a password. My normal password and ID does is not accepted.



This is usually an indication that the service is having some sort of fatal error. Can you look in the log files and see if there are any errors in there?



Hi Daniel, thanks for your suggestion. I found logs in C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.3\Reporting Services\LogFiles, I assume this is the logs folder you mean.

I looked through some of the 50 or so log files there and saw nothing that looked like an error log, the all seem to be process tracking logs. Can you be more specific on which log I should look at?



Hello Mike,

I believe this is due to the security settings in IIS. One thing to try is to enable anonymous access from the 'Reports' and 'ReportServer' directories in your IIS websites and see if it works. I had this same problem before I got the security settings ironed out in IIS.

In my setup, I have disabled anonymous access on the 'Default Web Site', 'Reports', and 'ReportServer' items. I have also enabled 'Integrated Windows authentication' on all 3. The DefaultAppPool runs as the Network Service.

From Reporting Services Configuration Manager, Report Server and Report Manager, both run in the DefaultAppPool application pool.

Hope this helps.



Hi Jarret,

Thank you for your tip, it did the trick! I enabled anonymous access access on the two folders and got into the Report Manager.

I guess this leads to another question, anonymous access is fine for me on my local machine here at home, but not exactly what I want on the production system at work. We're using Windows authentication at work, (with none of the problems I've had here at home that I am aware of), but I'm thinking I need to educate myself more on how the security settings between SQL05, Reporting Services, and IIS interact.

You spoke of "ironing out IIS security", can you recommend any resources from Microsoft which will help me learn how to manage security for SQL, etc.?

To all, thanks for your replies to my questions here!


That is correct, I wouldn't set up my servers with anonymous access enabled either. I actually had one of my developers help me initially, but eventually I figured out how to have it work without anonymous access.

Sorry I don't have any links to any articles, I just haven't searched. Researching how the security between SQL2005, RS, and IIS work with each other is on my list of things to do as well.


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